Current exhibition

David Dott - Funny hair and wild thoughts

Conceptual figurative abstraction.

Analytical and precise.

Repetition: Strange hair again and again.

And wild thoughts, without end.

From left to right, from top to bottom and back again.

Dynamic and explosive.

Elegant and flowing.

Intuitive, expressive and expansive.

Drawings from mid-2023 to mid-2024. And a small, award-winning sculpture.

And a small, award-winning poem from 2019 for the opening.

The multiple award-winning artist, including 1st audience prize at the members' exhibition of the Kunstverein Ebersberg 2023, will be exhibiting drawings from the last two years from 12.07.2024.

Small and large wild thoughts in two and three-dimensional space circle through David Dott's work. Fine lines meet rough strokes and, in their graffiti-like formal language, lead to very unique views.

Portraits with meticulous attention to detail, freely based on real people, combine construction and free strokes to create impressive works.

12.07.2024 from 19:00 to

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David Dott - Portraits David Dott - Portraits

About the Gallery

From the desire to exhibit the historical Munich photographs of his grandfather Herbert Wendling and the possibility to expand his studio space, the Gallery Gerhard Grabsdorf was born in 2010 and 2011.

After a provisional " construction site" in the still unrenovated rooms, the first Munich exhibition then took place in 2011 in the Valentin-Karlstadt-Musäum.

The first years of the gallery were characterized by great experimentation. From street art, often whimsical sculptures and objects, classical painting, comic and pop art to caricatures and, of course, photography, newcomers, but also established artists - mainly coming from Munich - were shown in group and solo exhibitions.

Since 2014, the gallery has focused on kinetic art, historical and contemporary photography, and selected artists from various art genres such as painting and sculpture.

Exhibition Philosophy

Over the years Gerhard Grabsdorf developed his own exhibition philosophy for his gallery.

The exhibitions should not put any artificial obstacles in the way of the visitors. They should invite people to visit the exhibitions, even if they are not primarily art enthusiasts. They should be designed in such a way that they also encourage passers-by in passing to visit the exhibition spontaneously.

The experience and the exchange are put in the foreground. In the case of the kinetic machines, for example, visitors often have to get into action themselves in order to set them in motion. With the photographs, the exchange between visitors about what they have experienced and seen is essential. The exhibitions can be compared more to modern museum exhibitions than to classical sales exhibitions, as they are known from the conventional gallery business.

The exhibits tell stories and/or evoke memories.

"Behind the machine, it is about the human - For man begins where purpose ends" (analogously after Schiller's "Letters on Aesthetic Education"). "Only beyond purpose and duty does he become free."

The success of the philosophy is evident in the diverse groups of visitors. The age range extends from kindergarten groups to mid-agers to aged seniors. The majority of visitors come from Munich and the surrounding area. However, visitors from other European countries - some of whom travel specially - are also welcome guests. The mostly extensive press coverage does the rest. In addition to the Süddeutsche Zeitung, the Bayerische Fernsehen, the Bayerischer Rundfunk, the Global Art Magazin, and Das Münchner Kunstjournal, the Münchner Merkur, the Abendzeitung, the TZ, the Münchner Feuilleton and many others have reported on the gallery.

One of the most outstanding (OFF-topic) projects of the gallery is the "LowTech Instruments Museum". A temporary museum for kinetic art machines by Charly-Ann Cobdak.

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Books, Calendars, etc.

Since 2011, a Munich calendar with historical photographs by Herbert Wendling has been published annually.

2020 came the illustrated book „Munich 1930 -  ...

Visual Arts

Painting & Sculpture Also occupy an important part of the gallery portfolio.

For example, regularly with the sculptures sawed (with a chainsaw) or formed from wire and  ...

Kinetic Art

As one of a few galleries, the gallery places one of its focuses on kinetic art.

Characteristic of kinetic art is objects in motion with the help of mechanical,  ...

Contemporary Photography

Photography serves as an important medium for documenting urban development. It influences the perception and opinion about places and cities.

With his urban photography  ...

The Gallery Offers ...

... exclusive and individual reproductions of historical and contemporary photography, illustrated books, catalogs, puzzles and calendars in its online store and gallery spaces.

See the offers

Visit the Gallery

Gallery Gerhard Grabsdorf

Gerhard Grabsdorf
Aventinstr. 10
80469 Munich - Germany
(Available by phone: Tues. - Fri.: 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and Sat. 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.)

Opening Hours

Thursday & Saturday, from . 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m..

Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday is regularly open in the afternoon.

(Available by phone: Tues. - Fri.: 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and Sat. 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.)